Monday, March 15, 2010

It's a Blog's Life


Well, so far I have created my own blog account and now have begun to follow other bloggers from my course in ICT in Learning Management. It seemed like a huge thing to be achieved when I first heard about this whole 'blog' thing, but it has been easy, and as with just about everything, especially in the world of communications and technologies, it first seemed to get easier, then very easy, and soon (I am sure with this course) it will become almost second nature as I click on the icon, banter on for a while and check out my classmates' thoughts that have been posted.

Do I feel proud of myself? Not really; it is another step to feeling like I am catching up with the world! And that may not inspire pride, but certainly a feeling of confidence and a growing awareness of how technologies can change our life (and in our case our teaching pedagogies and project ideas).

I love the idea of creating a class blog for assignments. I also love the idea of creating a separate class blog for students to discuss any personal problems. It could prove an amazing forum to dealing with issues surrounding bullying, sexual and physical abuse, and general adolescent/preadolescent hangups. Best to see if there is a way to delete inappropriate responses on blogs first, though. Or, hang-on, am I thinking about wiki in thinking this is very interactive? I will find out in a few minutes after the next task, where I create a wiki.

It has become a wonderful challenge to think up new ways of using technology (especially popular, like mobile phones,Facebook, twitter (I haven't checked this out yet) to create innovative, inspiring, authentic tasks for the learning journey. I am more excited now about teaching than I have been thus far.

Cheers, and thanks for reading,


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